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WHAT IS FIKA?!  Fika (fee-ka) is often translated as “a coffee and cake break”, which is kind of correct, but really it is much more than that. Fika is a concept, a state of mind, an attitude and an important part of Swedish culture. Many Swedes consider that it is almost essential to make time for fika every day. It means making time for friends to share a cup of coffee (or tea) and a little something to eat. Come and join the Lake Miltona community, and enjoy a Fika.

No need to be Swedish!


Weekly Fika

You are welcome to join us every Wednesday morning at 10 am for conversation, coffee and a little something to eat on the Camp Deck.

June 5 - August 21, 2024

Once a Month
Special Fika Speakers

Once a month, we will invite a guest speaker whom we find to be of interest to Lake Miltona community members.  Come and visit us on the Camp Deck!​

  •  Wednesday, July 24th - GETTING TO KNOW YOUR SEPTIC SYSTEM

    • Are you planning on needing a permit for an accessory structure or shoreland project soon?  Property transfer questions?  Or just general questions regarding your septic system?  Please welcome Patrick Schultz of the Douglas County Land and Resource Department to answer these questions and provide best management practices for your system.

  • Wednesday, June 26th​ - Kathie Stemm will share about the history of the Minnesouri Beach Club - 10 am - rain or shine!​

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